Naxeon: A new creative mobility
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politique de confidentialité
In accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 ("GDPR"),the company NAXEON TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD (“NAXEON”) applies particular commitment and care in processing the information referring to you in accordance with applicable privacy regulations.

In accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 ("GDPR"),the company NAXEON TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD (“NAXEON”) applies particular commitment and care in processing the information referring to you in accordance with applicable privacy regulations.


This Data Privacy Policy governs each website, mobile site, application, and/or other services, provided by and NAXEON and its affiliates, acting as a data controller.

Why Do We Collect Your Data

Customer Relationship Management      

NAXEON collects your personal data to manage your registration and interaction with the Site, our App (NAXEON App) and to provide you with the products and services that you require. Specifically, NAXEON processes your personal data to:

 Enable registration and secure access to our Site;

Respond to your information or material requests;

 Provide requested products, services, and after-sales support, including necessary data processing for electronic signatures on contracts;

 Fulfill contractual obligations or perform pre-contractual activities at your request, including sharing data with our sales network or contracted third parties;

 Comply with relevant laws and regulations and exercise legal claims.

The provision of data for the purposes indicated above is necessary, and the possible failure to provide such data will prevent NAXEON from fufilling these services.

Additional Purposes for Using Personal Data

NAXEON utilizes your personal data for marketing purposes, aiming to provide you with promotional newsletters, advertising communications, direct sales opportunities, and surveys to assess customer satisfaction. These marketing activities are executed via various channels, including email (newsletters), telephone, SMS, MMS, chat, NAXEONbsite banners, instant messaging, social networks, and traditional mail. This includes invitations to events sponsored or organized by NAXEON, our sales and assistance network, or our business partners, featuring offers on their products, services, and initiatives.

Furthermore, NAXEON engages in profiling activities to better understand your preferences, habits, and lifestyle by analyzing your interactions with us and your purchase details. This information helps in creating personalized profiles and, with your consent for marketing, allows us to tailor promotional messages and offers to your interests. For profiling, NAXEON collect additional data including publicly available information (e.g., social network profiles), data from cookies and other tracking technologies on our NAXEONbsite (see our Cookie Policy), and, where applicable, data from your motorcycle's diagnostic systems, adhering to regulatory compliance.

In line with GDPR provisions and based on legitimate interest, NAXEON may use your email address, provided during a purchase, to send communications about services or products similar to those you've acquired ("soft spam"). NAXEON also conduct surveys for non-commercial purposes, which are entirely voluntary, to enhance the quality of our customer service.

Who Will Be Able to Access Your Data

NAXEON has the right to share your data with its affiliated companies, and those employees, consultants, and collaborators who are specifically appointed to process data and assigned to assist NAXEON in carrying out the services offered by this website. Such persons are requested to adhere to the same legal requirements guaranteed by the NAXEON.

NAXEON will, however, have the right to respond to any request relating to your data when requested by the law, when such communication is deemed necessary for the protection of its rights, to comply with judicial proceedings, court orders, or requests coming from any governing body, and/or in relation to any other legal action which may occur.

Protecting Your Data

NAXEON is committed to protecting your personal data from unauthorized or unlawful processing, including destruction, loss, alteration, misuse, disclosure, or access. Security measures reflect the latest technology and consider the costs of implementation, processing risks, and the nature of the data protected. We ensure that:

NAXEON does not prioritize the collection of users’ personal information as its main purpose.

Personal information is neither rented nor sold to third parties by NAXEON.

NAXEON will not use your personal information or images for advertising without your consent.

NAXEON strives to secure its website but acknowledges the inherent risks of transmitting information over the internet and email, which may not always be secure. NAXEON is not liable for losses or unauthorized interceptions beyond its control.

The NAXEON website may include links to external sites, but NAXEON's privacy policy is only applicable to its own website, and NAXEON is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of other sites.

Transfer Your Data To A Non-EU Country  

Your personal data may be transferred to companies within the NAXEON network, including those in non-EU countries such as China, where NAXEON's headquarters are situated. Due to this, the data protection standards in place may not align with those established by EU regulations. NAXEON undertakes to take all relevant guarantees on the basis of appropriate safeguards as requested under Data Protection Legislation.

Your Rights

You can reach out to NAXEON as the Data Controller or Data Protection Manager using the provided contact details to request an updated list of data processors (our service providers), parties with data access, and to exercise your rights under the Regulation. These rights include accessing your data, requesting correction or deletion, data portability, restriction of processing, and lodging complaints with the Supervisory Authority. In addition, you may object to the use of your data for direct marketing or, under specific circumstances, to any processing based on NAXEON's legitimate interest, unless NAXEON demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing.

Subject to Change

NAXEON may change this Privacy Policy. Any change made to the Privacy Policy and information management practices will be reflected in a timely manner, and the data controller may add, modify or delete said Privacy Policy when deemed necessary.

Contact Details

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, or you wish to contact us by email, our contact information is as follows:


NAXEON Technology Co., Ltd.

I AM d'accord
Technologie d’avenir.
Qui suis-je. ?
Né pour l'urbain, vis pour la libertéNé pour l'urbain, vis pour la liberté
Né pour l'urbain, vis pour la liberté
Né pour l'urbain, vivant pour la liberté
Imaginez que : Haute vitesse, Stabilité, Agile, vous pouvez faire les trois.
Vitesse maximale en km/h avec le mode BOOST
secondes de 0 à 50 km/h
kg chaque locomotive ne pèse que
Portée en km selon WMTC
Type 2
Prise de charge de qualité automatique, compatible avec les stations de recharge personnelles et publiques. Charge de 20 à 80 % en 1,5 heure, charge de 0 à 100 % en 5 heures.
Pas seulement la lumière : elle parle avec la lumière.
Pas seulement la lumière : elle parle avec la lumière.
Des lumières qui communiquent à CHAQUE instant.
Puissant visuel
Allumer / éteindre
Lorsque l'utilisateur s'assoit sur la moto, le capteur de pression du siège sur le coussin peut détecter que l'utilisateur est en train de conduire, et il y aura une interaction lumineuse.
JE SUIS votre gardien, faites preuve d'audace
I AM votre gardien, avancez hardiment
Gardien du motard, bouclier du voyage.
Meilleure sécurité, AUCUN risque d'incendie, AUCUNE batterie gonflée.
Meilleure sécurité, AUCUN risque d'incendie, AUCUNE batterie gonflée.
Une meilleure sécurité,
AUCUN risque d'incendie, AUCUNE batterie gonflée.
Meilleure sécurité, AUCUN risque d'incendie, AUCUNE batterie gonflée.
Meilleure sécurité, AUCUN risque d'incendie, AUCUNE batterie gonflée.
Meilleure sécurité, AUCUN risque d'incendie, AUCUNE batterie gonflée.
Batterie de poche S³ (semi-solide)
Tout en conservant des performances élevées, la batterie a jusqu'à 1 500 cycles de vie , garantissant d'excellentes performances de sécurité continues.
Détection grand angle avec une précision extrême.
Détection grand angle
avec une extrême précision.
Interactions BSD
La détection des angles morts, avec une plage de détection de 120 degrés , utilise un radar à ondes millimétriques arrière pour détecter les angles morts derrière et sur les côtés. Il alerte le pilote et les objets à proximité avec des signaux lumineux pour éviter les collisions.
"Détendez-vous, personne ne peut le voler ni y toucher."
Mode antivol
Quand I AM .  détecte les secousses anormales lorsqu'il est éteint, il déclenchera immédiatement une alarme et enverra une notification instantanée sur votre smartphone.
Enregistrez votre trajet avec deux yeux HD.
Enregistrez votre trajet
avec deux yeux HD.
Caméra haute définition
NAXÉON I AM.  est équipé de deux caméras avant et arrière, servant de dashcam pendant la conduite. Lorsque vous conduisez NAXEON I AM., la dashcam enregistre le processus de conduite des vues avant et arrière , capturant les événements de conduite ou d'autres incidents notables. Lorsqu'elle est activée, la dashcam enregistre automatiquement un segment vidéo toutes les 3 minutes, capturant les points forts des conduites.
De plus, nous disposons de toutes les fonctionnalités habituelles auxquelles vous pouvez penser !
De plus, nous disposons de toutes les fonctionnalités habituelles auxquelles vous pouvez penser !
En plus, on a toutes les fonctionnalités classiques que vous pouvez imaginer !
Rapide sur route, plus rapide sur le cloud
Rapide sur route, plus rapide sur le cloud
Adoption d'un système auto-développé, il excelle dans la gestion des tâches les plus complexes.
Contrôle des véhicules
Contrôle des véhicules
Rapport de conduite
Rapport de conduite
Caméra double tableau de bord
Double caméra embarquée
Mener la charge pour un avenir plus vert
Mener la charge pour un avenir plus vert
S’engager sur la voie d’un avenir durable.
Aluminium recyclé pré-consommation 75 %
Plastique recyclé pré-consommation 60 %
Tissu tricoté en fibre de bambou
Cuir biosourcé au 1,3-Propanediol
Spécifications générales
Spécifications générales
Choisissez à la demande et amusez-vous.
Hauteur du siège
Poids du petit
Course de compression F
Course de compression R
Angle de braquage
Pneu F
Pneu R
Garde au sol
6,5 kW
Puissance nominale
10,5 kW
Puissance de crête
Vitesse de pointe
Capacité de pente
4,6 kW/h
Capacité de la batterie
Gamme complète
Hauteur du siège
137 kg
Poids du petit
Course de compression F
Course de compression R
Angle de braquage
Pneu F
Pneu R
Garde au sol
7,5 kW
Puissance nominale
10,5 kW
Puissance de crête
Vitesse de pointe
Capacité de pente
6,5 kW/h
Capacité de la batterie
Gamme complète
Découvrez JE SUIS, retrouvez-vous
Découvrez I AM. , retrouvez-vous
Non seulement améliore la vie, mais encourage l'individualité et l'expression de soi.
politique de confidentialité
In accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 ("GDPR"),the company NAXEON TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD (“NAXEON”) applies particular commitment and care in processing the information referring to you in accordance with applicable privacy regulations.

In accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 ("GDPR"),the company NAXEON TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD (“NAXEON”) applies particular commitment and care in processing the information referring to you in accordance with applicable privacy regulations.


This Data Privacy Policy governs each website, mobile site, application, and/or other services, provided by and NAXEON and its affiliates, acting as a data controller.

Why Do We Collect Your Data

Customer Relationship Management      

NAXEON collects your personal data to manage your registration and interaction with the Site, our App (NAXEON App) and to provide you with the products and services that you require. Specifically, NAXEON processes your personal data to:

 Enable registration and secure access to our Site;

Respond to your information or material requests;

 Provide requested products, services, and after-sales support, including necessary data processing for electronic signatures on contracts;

 Fulfill contractual obligations or perform pre-contractual activities at your request, including sharing data with our sales network or contracted third parties;

 Comply with relevant laws and regulations and exercise legal claims.

The provision of data for the purposes indicated above is necessary, and the possible failure to provide such data will prevent NAXEON from fufilling these services.

Additional Purposes for Using Personal Data

NAXEON utilizes your personal data for marketing purposes, aiming to provide you with promotional newsletters, advertising communications, direct sales opportunities, and surveys to assess customer satisfaction. These marketing activities are executed via various channels, including email (newsletters), telephone, SMS, MMS, chat, NAXEONbsite banners, instant messaging, social networks, and traditional mail. This includes invitations to events sponsored or organized by NAXEON, our sales and assistance network, or our business partners, featuring offers on their products, services, and initiatives.

Furthermore, NAXEON engages in profiling activities to better understand your preferences, habits, and lifestyle by analyzing your interactions with us and your purchase details. This information helps in creating personalized profiles and, with your consent for marketing, allows us to tailor promotional messages and offers to your interests. For profiling, NAXEON collect additional data including publicly available information (e.g., social network profiles), data from cookies and other tracking technologies on our NAXEONbsite (see our Cookie Policy), and, where applicable, data from your motorcycle's diagnostic systems, adhering to regulatory compliance.

In line with GDPR provisions and based on legitimate interest, NAXEON may use your email address, provided during a purchase, to send communications about services or products similar to those you've acquired ("soft spam"). NAXEON also conduct surveys for non-commercial purposes, which are entirely voluntary, to enhance the quality of our customer service.

Who Will Be Able to Access Your Data

NAXEON has the right to share your data with its affiliated companies, and those employees, consultants, and collaborators who are specifically appointed to process data and assigned to assist NAXEON in carrying out the services offered by this website. Such persons are requested to adhere to the same legal requirements guaranteed by the NAXEON.

NAXEON will, however, have the right to respond to any request relating to your data when requested by the law, when such communication is deemed necessary for the protection of its rights, to comply with judicial proceedings, court orders, or requests coming from any governing body, and/or in relation to any other legal action which may occur.

Protecting Your Data

NAXEON is committed to protecting your personal data from unauthorized or unlawful processing, including destruction, loss, alteration, misuse, disclosure, or access. Security measures reflect the latest technology and consider the costs of implementation, processing risks, and the nature of the data protected. We ensure that:

NAXEON does not prioritize the collection of users’ personal information as its main purpose.

Personal information is neither rented nor sold to third parties by NAXEON.

NAXEON will not use your personal information or images for advertising without your consent.

NAXEON strives to secure its website but acknowledges the inherent risks of transmitting information over the internet and email, which may not always be secure. NAXEON is not liable for losses or unauthorized interceptions beyond its control.

The NAXEON website may include links to external sites, but NAXEON's privacy policy is only applicable to its own website, and NAXEON is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of other sites.

Transfer Your Data To A Non-EU Country  

Your personal data may be transferred to companies within the NAXEON network, including those in non-EU countries such as China, where NAXEON's headquarters are situated. Due to this, the data protection standards in place may not align with those established by EU regulations. NAXEON undertakes to take all relevant guarantees on the basis of appropriate safeguards as requested under Data Protection Legislation.

Your Rights

You can reach out to NAXEON as the Data Controller or Data Protection Manager using the provided contact details to request an updated list of data processors (our service providers), parties with data access, and to exercise your rights under the Regulation. These rights include accessing your data, requesting correction or deletion, data portability, restriction of processing, and lodging complaints with the Supervisory Authority. In addition, you may object to the use of your data for direct marketing or, under specific circumstances, to any processing based on NAXEON's legitimate interest, unless NAXEON demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds for the processing.

Subject to Change

NAXEON may change this Privacy Policy. Any change made to the Privacy Policy and information management practices will be reflected in a timely manner, and the data controller may add, modify or delete said Privacy Policy when deemed necessary.

Contact Details

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, or you wish to contact us by email, our contact information is as follows:


NAXEON Technology Co., Ltd.

I AM d'accord